Best In Sweepstakes 11 Months Old Sherman's third show 3/83 Trinity Valley Cairn Terrier Club, Texas Judge: Palmer Glenn Handler: Tammy Tremont Sherman also won the 9 - 12 puppy dog regular class at the specialty, handled by Betty Marcum. |
Best Of Breed First show as a special 4/83 1 Day Under 1 Year Old Switched from puppy class to specials class at Rhode Island Kennel Club. Judge: Lydia Hutchinson Handler: Deb |
WD - BOW - 5 pts Sherman's forth show 3/83 The day after his Best In Sweeps, Texas Judge: Fred Heigle Handler: Betty Marcum |
WD - BOW - 5 pts New Champion Sherman's fifth show 3/83 The Last Day, Texas Judge: Olga Smid Handler: Betty Marcum Shown & Finished in only 5 Shows |
Best Of Breed 6/83 SuMac Cairn Terrier Club 14 Months Old Judge: Mrs. R. T. Allen Handler: Amy Dunn |
Best Of Breed Over the #1 & #2 Cairns 6/84 2 Years Old Chicago/ Suburban Cairn Terrier Club Judge: Mildred Bryant Handler: Randy Sherman was #10 Cairn dog in 1984 |
WD - BOW - 3 pts In Kansas on his way to Texas Sherman's second show 3/83 Judge: Dr. Al Krause Handler: Judy Smith |
WD - BOW - 2 pts 7 Months Old Sherman's first show 11/82 Hammond, IN Judge: Ron Khrone Handler: Deb |
"Sherman" |
Sherman 19 Months Old 11/83 |
DeRan Cairn Terriers |
DeRan Cairn Terriers |